EH영어교육연구소 제 1회 국제영어글쓰기대회

  • 주최 : EH영어교육연구소
  • 접수기간 : 2019-10-21 ~ 2019-10-31
  • 홈페이지 URL :
  • 응모분야
    • 해외
  • 접수방법
    • 이메일
  • 시상종류
    • 경품
  • 참가자격
    • 중학생
    • 고등학생
  • 공모요강
    • 응모 자격 
      – High School Group: Participants must be between     Grade 9 and Grade 12 as of December 31, 2019. 
      – Middle School Group: Participants must be between     Grade 6 and Grade 8 as of December 31, 2019.
    • 응모 주제 
      – Detailed submission guidelines will be provided    with the writing topics.​
    • 시상 내역 
      – Age Group Winners    Cash Prize for First Place ($100 USD)     Award Certificates    Entries will be published in the annual EH journal
      – Runners-up     Award Certificates    Entries will be published in the annual EH journal. 

    • 응모 일정 
      – The deadline for submissions is Thursday,     January 10, 2020 by 5pm (GMT +8).
    • 제출 방법 
      – All entries should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file     attachment via email to [email protected]
    • 접수 방법 
      – Interested participants should send an     email to: [email protected].     Please include your name and age, and     then we will send you a registration form to fill out.     All registration forms must be completed before     October 31, 2019.  ​
    • 심사 방법 
      – Content 30% 
      – Organization 20% 
      – Voice 20% 
      – Mechanics 20% 
      – Vocabulary Usage 10%
    • 문의 사항 
      – If you have any questions,     please feel free to contact us at     : [email protected]