2022 PRI²DE Creative Camp Movable Chair International Design Competition

2022 PRI²DE Creative Camp Movable Chair International Design Competition-poster

디자인 공모전이 있어 소개합니다.
Young Bird Plan 주최 이며 Young Bird Plan 주관 공모전 입니다.
디자인 분야 공모전 관심 있으시다면 아래 자격 요건 등 참고하시어 2022 PRI²DE Creative Camp Movable Chair International Design Competition 꼭 참여하세요.

  • 주최 : Young Bird Plan
  • 주관 : Young Bird Plan
  • 접수기간 : 2022-04-14 ~ 2022-06-19
  • 1등 시상금 : 50,000위안
  • 홈페이지 URL : https://www.designverse.com.cn/competition/youngbirdplan/2022-pride-creative-camp-movable-chair-inte
  • 응모분야
    • 디자인
  • 접수방법
    • 홈페이지
  • 시상종류
    • 현상공모
  • 참가자격
    • 대학생
    • 대학원생
    • 일반인
    • 중학생
    • 고등학생
    • 제한없음
  • 공모요강
    • 응모 자격
      – The Competition is aimed at nurturing and supporting young designers. Entrants may participate      as individuals or in groups. However, each group shall not exceed 3 persons. The team leader of      each Entrant shall be under 35 years of age.  
      – The Competition is open to professionals, students and amateurs with a background in design and      art, including but not limited to product design, interior design, architectural design, landscape design and public art.  
      – Each registration number can submit a maximum of 2 entries. If you wish to submit more than 2      entries, you should register separately to obtain another registration number.  
      – All team members must register xxx=”line-height: 1.5;”>    by the team leader to complete the team formation. For frequently asked questions, please browse      the Q&A section on the official website.
    • 공모 주제
      – HKRI launched the “PRI²DE Creative Camp” Young Designers Development Programme in 2019, with      the aim to build a platform for showcasing creative work and provide opportunities for young designers      and artists to put their work into practice.  
      – Hosted jointly by HKRI and the international competition platform, Young Bird Plan, the initiative is aimed      at collecting design works of movable chairs from around the world. Using HKRI’s successful projects in      Shanghai, Hong Kong and Bangkok as launchpads, the key thematic element “45” was chosen to celebrate      HKRI’s 45th anniversary.  
      – With the goal of creating a sense of place and delighting users through creative works from talented designers      worldwide, the competition is aimed at bringing vitality to a variety of indoor and outdoor public spaces i     n Discovery Bay of Hong Kong, HKRI Taikoo Hui and The Sukhothai Bangkok. It also showcases the forward     thinking and creativity of the HKRI brand through xxx=”line-height: 1.5;”>    among the global design industry practitioners.
    • 시상 내역
      – Champion (1 winner): A prize of RMB 50,000 (pre-tax) + Prototype for Work + Certificate of Honour  
      – Runner Up (1 winner): A prize of RMB 20,000 (pre-tax) + Prototype for Work + Certificate of Honour  
      – Second Runner Up (1 winner): A prize of RMB 10,000 (pre-tax) + Prototype for Work + Certificate of Honour  
      – Special Award for Sustainable Materials (1 winner): A prize of RMB 10,000 (pre-tax) + Certificate of Honour  
      – Top 10 (7 winners): Prototype for Work + Certificate of Top 10 Honour  
      – Shortlist: Honourable Shortlist Certificate
    • 공모 일정
      – Call for entries : 2022.4.14   
      – Submission deadline : 2022.6.19   
      – Release of shortlisted winners : 2022.6.29   
      – Release of Top 10 & public voting : 2022.8.01   
      – Public voting deadline : 2022.8.14   
      – Release of Top 3, the Champion & Special Award for Sustainable Materials : 2022.8.17   
      – The above timeline is for reference only. The specific timing is subject to the designverse’s official website.
    • 접수 방법 
      – 온라인 접수 : www.designverse.com.cn
    • 심사 방법 
      – Match HKRI’s vision, mission and values. The design should showcase HKRI’s 45th anniversary      by integrating the theme element “45”.       1) Vision: To be the pioneer of innovative living space.       2) Mission: We strive to create a healthy, stylish and distinctive living experience through                          teamwork and passionate pursuit of innovation and excellence.       3) Values: PRI²DE – Pioneer
      – Break new grounds; Respect
      – Value the individual and cherish our                         environment; Innovation
      – Think outside the box; Integrity
      – Uphold high ethical standards;                        Devotion
      – Be committed and passionate; Excellence – Consistency in the pursuit of quality standards.  
      – Creative and contemporary: The overall design should be modern and aesthetically impressive.  
      – Integrated: Inject vitality into commercial and community spaces to create an artistic lifestyle                         experience for users.  
      – Practical and movable: The work shall be able to execute in the real world. The prototype can be                                            3D printed and easy to transport.  
      – Sustainable: The use of materials for environmental protection and recyling is encouraged.
    • 유의 사항
      – In accordance with applicable laws and regulations of PRC, by participating in this competition,      each Entrant irrevocably agrees to abide by the statements below about the copyrights for all submissions.  
      – Statement of Originality : All submissions must be original, and each Entrant shall ensure that      his/her/their entry does not infringe any other’s rights, including but not limited to patents, copyrights,      trademarks and intellectual property rights. Entrants must not publish their submissions in any media,      including but not limited to newspapers, periodicals, magazines and websites. Entrants must not use      their Entry to participate in other competitions, or register, patent or copyright any ideas contained      therein, or employ any method to take their Entry concept to the commercial market. Otherwise, the     Entrant will be disqualified from the competition, and the organisers will withdraw all subsidies and      materials and reserve the right to investigate and affix legal liability for any infringement. All damages      and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Entrant; and all direct and indirect damages (including      but not limited to attorney fees, legal fees, costs of preservation, appraisal costs, notarial fees, and so xxx=”line-height: 1.5;”>    suffered by the Organisers shall be compensated by the Entrant.  
      – Statement of Consent : By submitting an entry, each Entrant agrees to authorise the Organisers to publicly     display the work, including credited or hidden names, to anyone for the purpose of holding the competition,     and accepts online assessment as the selection process in the Competition. Before uploading a submission,     each Entrant must confirm that he/she has or they have read and fully understood and accept(s) all the      clauses mentioned. The judging panel reserves the right to make final decision xxx=”line-height: 1.5;”>    and the winning entries. According to the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness, the Competition      Secretariat invites professional field experts to form a judging panel and work on the appraisal of entries.     If there is any dispute xxx=”line-height: 1.5;”>    corresponding proof (such as related files of the plagiarised work). If the plagiarism is verified and      confirmed after investigation, it will result in automatic disqualification from participating in the      Competition or winning an award.   ※ Under no circumstances shall the Entrant contact or try to contact any member of the judging panel.       Any form of violation of this rule will result in automatic disqualification.  
      – The Entrant owns the copyright of the Entry according to applicable copyright Law. No submission shall      be altered or reproduced by any others without the consent of theEntrant. The Organisers own the rights     to publish, promote and publicise, display, exhibit and reproduce all award winning works. Organisers have     priority in obtaining the sole right of ownership of the intellectual property  of the entry work. During the     procedure to transfer  the ownership of the intellectual property, said ownership will  be defined in the detailed      agreement signed by the Competition Secretariat and the Entrant.   
      – The confidentiality of the entry work shall be maintained by the Entrant until the Champion of the 2022 PRI²DE      Creative Camp Movable Chair International Design Competition is formally announced. Any form of violation      of this rule will result in automatic disqualification.  
      – Complete details of the Official Rules governing this Competition will be published xxx=”line-height: 1.5;”>    website. Please read them carefully.​ 
    • 문의 사항
      – E-mail adress : [email protected]